We love shopping small and being able to support businesses like us in our local communities. As times keep getting more and more complicated and businesses are being ordered to close, we wanted to share a few ways that you can continue to help small businesses get through this:
Order takeout or delivery - this is a great way to continue to buy from local restaurants with still being respectful of the social distancing. And don’t forget to tip well!!
Buy gift cards - if you plan to shop at these places later, buying gift cards is a great way to help support them right now.
Don’t cancel, reschedule - this is especially important for businesses like ours that are appointment based. Don’t give up on small business owners, just help them weather the storm.
Pay with plastic (debit or credit cards) - this helps limit physical interaction with others.
Share any extra/hoarded sanitization products with local businesses - it can be really hard for businesses to get the products they need in order to keep their doors open. Being generous with your extra supplies can really make a difference.
Write your favorite small businesses a review - use Yelp, Google Business, and all other review platforms, the support will mean a lot!
Shop small online if possible - in most cases, shops that have online shops will be keeping those up and running while their in-person stores will be closed. Make sure to check out your favorite businesses’ websites!
Choose a few small businesses that have social media pages and comment on their posts, tag friends, and share on your story -spread the word in anyway that you can.
Check in with small business owners & employees that you know- we could all use the encouragement & support.
If you are feeling sick, stay home - the main way to help is to do your part and participate in social distancing!